Rational subgrouping is a technique used in statistical process control to group data in a way that allows for the identification of specific sources of variation in a process. By grouping data into rational subgroups, it is possible to improve the accuracy of process analysis, identify special and common causes of variation, and determine whether a process is in control.

The concept of rational subgrouping was first introduced by W. Edwards Deming, a prominent statistician and quality control expert. Deming believed that data should be collected and analyzed in a way that reflects the structure and variation of the process being studied. He advocated for the use of rational subgroups as a way to collect and analyze data that accurately reflects the process being studied.

What is Rational Subgrouping?

Rational subgrouping is a statistical technique that involves grouping data into subgroups based on a common factor or source of variation. The goal of rational subgrouping is to group data in a way that allows for the identification of specific sources of variation in a process.

Rational subgroups should be selected based on their homogeneity with respect to the factor or source of variation being studied. For example, if the factor being studied is machine setup time, then the data should be grouped by the machine being used, rather than by the operator or product being produced.

The use of rational subgroups allows for the identification of specific sources of variation within the process being studied. This, in turn, allows for the implementation of targeted improvement efforts, rather than generic or blanket improvements.

Benefits of Rational Subgrouping

The use of rational subgrouping has several benefits in statistical process control. These include:

  1. Improved accuracy of process analysis: Rational subgrouping allows for the collection of data that accurately reflects the structure and variation of the process being studied. This improves the accuracy of process analysis and the ability to identify sources of variation.
  2. Identification of special and common causes of variation: Rational subgrouping allows for the identification of specific sources of variation within the process being studied. This, in turn, allows for the identification of special and common causes of variation, and the implementation of targeted improvement efforts.
  3. Determination of whether a process is in control: Rational subgrouping allows for the determination of whether a process is in control, based on the analysis of data within each subgroup. This allows for the implementation of corrective action to bring the process back into control.

How to Implement Rational Subgrouping

The implementation of rational subgrouping involves several steps. These include:

  1. Identify the factor or source of variation being studied: The first step in rational subgrouping is to identify the factor or source of variation being studied. This could be a machine, operator, product, or any other factor that is believed to impact the process being studied.
  2. Define the subgroup size and sampling frequency: The next step is to define the subgroup size and sampling frequency. The subgroup size should be based on the homogeneity of the data with respect to the factor being studied. The sampling frequency should be based on the frequency of occurrence of the factor being studied.
  3. Collect data and group into subgroups: Data should be collected and grouped into subgroups based on the factor being studied. The subgroup size and sampling frequency should be followed.
  4. Analyze subgroup data: The data within each subgroup should be analyzed to determine whether the process is in control, and whether there are any special or common causes of variation.
  5. Implement improvement efforts: Based on the analysis of subgroup data, improvement efforts should be implemented to address any special or common causes of variation and bring the process back into control.

Example of Rational Subgrouping

A manufacturer of automotive parts was experiencing high defect rates in one of its production lines. The defect rate varied from shift to shift, and it was difficult to determine the root cause of the variation. The company decided to implement rational subgrouping to better understand the sources of variation.

The factor being studied was the shift, as the defect rate varied from shift to shift. The subgroup size was set at 10 parts, as this was the number of parts produced in a typical hour. The sampling frequency was set at every hour, as this was the frequency of occurrence of the factor being studied.

Data was collected and grouped into subgroups based on the shift. The subgroup data was then analyzed using a control chart to determine whether the process was in control and whether there were any special or common causes of variation.

The analysis showed that the defect rate was higher during the third shift than during the first and second shifts. The cause of this variation was determined to be a lack of supervision during the third shift, which led to inconsistent machine setup and a higher defect rate.

Based on this analysis, the company implemented targeted improvement efforts, including increased supervision during the third shift and standardized machine setup procedures. The defect rate was reduced and the process was brought back into control.


Rational subgrouping is a powerful technique for improving the accuracy of process analysis, identifying sources of variation, and determining whether a process is in control. By grouping data into rational subgroups, it is possible to analyze the data in a way that reflects the structure and variation of the process being studied.

The implementation of rational subgrouping involves several steps, including the identification of the factor being studied, the definition of the subgroup size and sampling frequency, the collection and grouping of data into subgroups, the analysis of subgroup data, and the implementation of improvement efforts.

Rational subgrouping has many benefits in statistical process control, including the improved accuracy of process analysis, the identification of special and common causes of variation, and the determination of whether a process is in control. By using rational subgrouping, organizations can improve the quality and efficiency of their processes and better meet the needs of their customers.